More than just a riding school!
Lower Stonehouse Farm
Brown Edge
Stoke on Trent
01782 505664

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Grading System
This system has been developed by us, based on years of experience teaching beginners and novices. It gives riders a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of correct, classical riding so
that they can progress to higher levels, both on the flat and over jumps.
The Grades run from 1 to 6 and riders can’t move onto the next grade until all the requirements of the previous grade have been completed. Each time a rider completes a grade, they can purchase
a Progress Certificate if they wish. Riders who pass Grade 6 will be above the level of the BHS Stage 1 Riding exam and equipped with the skills for doing dressage or jumping at a local level.
Grades 1 and 2 are assessed by a rider’s regular instructor. Grades 3 and above are assessed by Mary Stitson.
The following gives a sample of what is included in each grade.
Please note that jumping is optional.
Grade 1
Mounting, dismounting and leading
Correct position and balance
How to halt, walk and turn
Sitting trot with stirrups
Grade 2
Walk without Stirrups
Rising Trot
Learning to change direction
Large circles in walk
Grade 3
Understand what it means for a horse to be ‘going forwards’
Using reins effectively
Starting sitting trot without stirrups
First canter
Grade 4 - Flat
Learning to move horse or pony sideways (leg yield)
Trotting over a line of poles
Sitting and rising trot without stirrups
Cantering large
Grade 4 - Jump
Correct balance and position
Transitions between trot and canter
Courses of poles in trot
Single fences
Grade 5 - Flat
Understanding the horse’s way of going
Leg yield in trot
20m circles in canter
Grade 5 - Jump
Linking fences together
Riding consistently forward over poles and jumps
Keeping balance and position in canter
Changes of lead through trot
Grade 6 - Flat
Understanding outline
Increasing / Decreasing stride in trot
Acute transitions
Canter without stirrups
Grade 6 - Jump
Grid work
Uprights and narrow spreads
Courses in canter
Walk to canter transitions